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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 7 (December 15, 1926)

Payment by Results

page 83

Payment by Results.

In the United States, enginemen are paid on engine power and mileage basis—passenger trains 100 miles or five hours equals one day. Goods trains 100 miles or eight hours equals one day. Actually the men made good money, but it is difficult to make a comparison with the similar state of affairs in New Zealand as the cost of living is generally so much higher. However, the conditions under which the men work in New Zealand appear more than to balance any appreciable benefit that may be given the United States' enginemen by the payment of higher scale wages.

Owing to seasonal fluctuations in the amount of traffic offering, men are engaged or their services dispensed with according to the demand. This must be taken into consideration when comparing with the rate of pay ruling in New Zealand where the men are engaged permanently.

Enginemen do not receive the thorough training considered necessary in New Zealand. If firemen are required, the loco, foreman engages the men as they come along. Such men receive a few days training from the firemen instructors (road foremen) and have practically only one examination to pass—that of enginedriver, and this an oral examination. Mechanical coaling appliances and oil fuel locomotives reduce to a certain extent the need for experienced men.

P. Cleary, Photo Snow Trail over Otira

P. Cleary, Photo
Snow Trail over Otira