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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 10 (March 21, 1927)

Palmerston North

page 37

Palmerston North.

The annual Railway picnic was held at Kakariki, and over 1,500 adults and children took advantage of the outing. A special train of 19 cars was provided, but the large contingent joining at Feilding severely taxed the accommodation. The presence of the local Highland pipe band was much appreciated. Everyone had a most enjoyable day, returning home at 6.30 p.m., tired, but pleased with the success of the outing.

Mr. H. C. Le Grange of the local staff was recently transferred on promotion to Invercargill, as Goods Foreman. Prior to his departure he was met by the staff in the Stationmaster's office, where he was presented with a solid leather travelling case, and a smoking companion as a token of esteem from the combined staff and carriers. In making the presentation Mr. J. J. O'Shea referred to Mr. Le Grange's long service in Palmerston North, and expressed his regret at losing the services of such a capable and reliable officer. He congratulated him on his promotion, and wished the recipient every prosperity and success. Other members of the staff also spoke in eulogistic terms of Mr. Le Grange, who suitably replied.

* * *

The Xmas and New Year traffic, including the Awapuni and Feilding race traffic, was very brisk and satisfactory.
Rainbow Mountain, Rotorua

Rainbow Mountain, Rotorua

The station was thronged with passengers arriving and departing from, and to, various parts of the Dominion. Many express trains converged on Palmerston North, and animated scenes were the order of the day and night. Complimentary reference was heard of the publicity Department's efforts, in connection with the various tourist resorts, and also the issue of booklets. The rail fares quoted in connection with the many tours submitted for the travelling public, stand out in sharp contrast to the fares charged by road.

The Xmas issue of the Railway Magazine came in for special reference, and the excellent subject matter, photography, etc., was much appreciated.

Sunday Excursions.—The first excursion of this season ran from Palmerston North to Paekakariki on Sunday, 16th January. The morning broke very dull and interfered with the large attendance we had worked and hoped for. Those who made the trip were rewarded with a glorious day at the seaside at Paekakariki, Paraparaumu, etc., and were unanimous in their praise of the pleasant outing made possible by the running of these trains. The next excursion will run from Pahiatua, Woodville, and Palmerston North to Foxton, and a large attendance is anticipated.