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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 2 (June 1, 1927)

Refreshments Up-to-Date. — An Interesting Innovation

Refreshments Up-to-Date.
An Interesting Innovation.

The accompanying photograph is an illustration prepared to advertise the new cartons which are on sale at the principal railway refreshment rooms in New Zealand. The cartons, which are sold at 1/- each, contain two sandwiches, two pieces of cake, a shortbread biscuit and an apple—in fact, what may be described as a well balanced diet—and are prepared for the convenience of those who prefer to have their refreshments on the train instead of at the refreshment counter. Each separate article placed in the carton is protected by tissue paper, and the whole effect is pleasing—and appetising. The contents are made up fresh every day.

The innovation is assured of appreciation and support, and will be particularly welcomed by those of a nervous temperament who are sometimes afraid that the train will leave while they are taking refreshments in the rooms, as well as by those who like to have plenty of time in which to take a little nourishment.

If the experiment proves a success it is quite likely that the carton system will be extended in the direction of providing a wider choice to those desirous of obtaining refreshments under cover in this way.

The rooms which at present are provided with carton refreshments are Helensville, Frankton, Marton and Palmerston North in the North Island, and Ashburton, Oamaru, Palmerston, and Clinton in the South Island.

The Royal Train Made in
New Zealand.

That well produced and interesting publication “New Zealand News and Views” has, in its issue for March, the following reference to the Royal train which was recently built at Petone Workshops:

The State Railway Workshops at Petone (near Wellington City) won new laurels for Dominion industry in the designing and construction of the Royal train (a big locomotive, ten carriages and a brakevan), fairly described as “a palace on wheels,” with very comfortable provision for sleeping and dining. Admirable ornamentation was allied with usefulness, and altogether this equippage was worthy of the country's Royal guests.