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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 11 (March 1, 1928)

Competition and Grinding

Competition and Grinding.

This is a competitive age, an age that right or wrong casts out the unfit. The machine tool manufacturers and the motor car industry live and flourish under the fiercest conditions known to this said system. Both of these important and exact branches of engineering have adopted successfully the grinding method. This is no mere fashion of the age, but the recognition that the grinding machine has been found indispensable where quantity, quality, and sound economics, govern the industrial and social programme. But for the grinding machine, says a well known American Trade Journal it would cost as much to produce a Ford car as it does a Rolls Royce.

(To be continued.)

New Methods at East Town Workshops. One of the four special planing machines recently introduced into the Workshops, for the manufacture of frogs, Switches and scissors crossings. These machines are electrically driven.

New Methods at East Town Workshops.
One of the four special planing machines recently introduced into the Workshops, for the manufacture of frogs, Switches and scissors crossings. These machines are electrically driven.