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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 7 (November 1, 1928)

How to Spend a Vacation

How to Spend a Vacation

Some one has said that the purpose of a vacation is to give the boss an opportunity to learn that you are not indispensible—that somehow or other the business gets along without you.

Hence, if there's even a grain of truth in the assertion, your absence is in competition with you—when you get back it's up to you to prove that you're an asset of the first water.

But how?

Well, when you're on a vacation forget the job, forget its joys and its troubles and recreate. Re-create your enthusiasm, your optimism, recreate your determination to do your job as well as you can do it; re-create your interest and your loyalty to the firm that employs you.

Pack your vacation full of healthful fun and sport; let it dominate your thought; then, when it is over, give the same amount of attention to the job that you gave to vacation—the same enthusiasm, the same interest.

And the boss will know that, although the business runs without you, it runs a whole lot better with you.

page break

“Above me are the Alps,
The palaces of Nature, whose vast walls
Have pinnacled in clouds their snowy scalps…”

A bend in the road through the world-famed Otira Gorge.

A bend in the road through the world-famed Otira Gorge.