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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 1 (May 1, 1929)

“Most Beautiful Thing in the World.”

“Most Beautiful Thing in the World.”

Yet the higher one climbs up Alec's Knob or Mt. Moltke (6,509 feet), on the Western side, the more entrancing becomes the view. The phantom-like pinnacles, the deep crevasses grow smaller and smaller until at last they appear as the filmiest of gossamers with silken sheen draping this wonderful, ever-flowing river of luminous ice…. The Almer Glacier is disclosed entering “The Franz” from the left, the Melchior and Agassiz Glaciers at the head, and higher up still “The Franz” itself emerging from the enormous glittering snowfields which ascend to such an elevation as to dwarf even the mighty peaks of the Great Divide.… . Yes, when seen to such advantage, framed in the blaze of the rata, under a sapphire sky, and in golden sunlight, the Franz Josef Glacier may confidently be said to deserve even that proudest of titles—“The Most Beautiful Thing in the World.”