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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 1 (May 1, 1929)

Locomotive Branch

page 61

Locomotive Branch.

Angus, R., to Sub-Foreman, Gr. 6, Hillside.

Ball, R. H., to Assistant Erecting Shop Foreman and Inspector, Gr. 5, Hillside.

Black, G. E., to Sub-Foreman, Gr. 6, Grey-mouth.

Griffiths, A. H., to Boiler Shop Foreman and Inspector, Gr. 3, Hillside.

Harman, A. E., to Sub-Foreman, Gr. 6, Hill-side.

Mayer, R. C. W., to Electric Overhead Crane Operator, Otahuhu.

Moore, J. D., to Structural Shop Foreman, Gr. 5, Addington.

Newlands, J., to Sub-Foreman, Gr. 6, Hillside.

Oxenham, F., to Sub-Foreman, Gr. 6, Greymouth.

O'Hern, D. P., to Sub-Foreman, Gr. 6, Addington.

Waters, F. T., to Chief Clerk, W.S.M.O., Gr. 3, Otahuhu.

Williams, A. J., to Sub-Foreman, Gr. 6, Hutt.

Lifters to Train Examiners.

Earley, H. A., to Paeroa.

Rolton, A. T. M., to Christchurch.

Lifter to Leading Fitter.

Smith, S. R., to Invercargill.