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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 7 (December 1, 1930)

A Tumultiplication

A Tumultiplication.

The Modern Whirled is a bedlam of blatancy, a din of discordancy, a tumultiplication, and a roar deal. It is fairly safe to assert that when Man was first projected on the screen he was a more or less silent film; but owing to his deep-rooted passion for absorbing his own echo, he has developed into a hundred-per-cent. Talkie. Man presents the greatest argument in favour of the dumb animal. His articulation has grown in proportion to his emancipation, and, intoxicated by his power of expression, he has overlooked the flower of suppression. Truly he is the Big Noise in the Cosmographical Choir, and all his works bear the brand of blatancy. He produces clamorous cough-drops, cans of bangs, metallurgical meteorites, cram cars, motor jars, radiodiums, aeropains, and other madical instruments. When Nature fitted Man with spoons for scooping up head-noises she did not anticipate such din, else she would have provided him with dinner plates, tuning forks, or splutter dishes.