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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 8 (April 1, 1932.)

Roadside Painted Signs (Double-sided)

Roadside Painted Signs (Double-sided).

The increased traffic on the roads has made this class of advertising very popular with all advertisers who desire to reach the motoring public. Almost wherever the railways run near the public highways, these signs may be erected. A very large portion of the main highways throughout the Dominion are therefore available to the Department's clients for this class of advertising. Two advertisements, placed back to back, are erected on standards which are set at such an angle as to show towards the road traffic going in either direction. The signs, as a rule, are also visible to railway passengers.

Standard sizes are 4ft. by 9ft. and 6ft. by 12ft. Annual rentals, including designing, painting, erection, and maintenance, range from about £11 each for the smaller size, and from about £17 each for the larger size.