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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 9 (April 1, 1933)

The Traffic Gauge

The Traffic Gauge.

Proof of the increasing service rendered by the railways to the public of New Zealand is found in the latest returns available regarding the traffic position. These shew that for the 44 weeks of the current financial year to the 4th February there was an increase of 196 thousand passengers over the number carried by train in the corresponding term of the previous year, and at the same time the Department's road services shewed an increase of 384 thousand passengers. The increase in the total number of passengers carried by the Department has thus been over half a million, or a numerical increase of 3 per cent.—a very welcome change from the previous unvarying downward trend in passenger traffic since 1929.

Although the goods tonnage is still falling in sympathy with the general trade position, decreased costs have helped to stabilise the situation, so that the total net revenue for the 44 weeks to the 4th February was $584,038, an increase of $52,896 over the corresponding term last year. It must be pleasing to the public and railwaymen alike to see this very satisfactory result in the face of such adverse conditions.