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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 3 (July 1, 1933)


One of the finest cures for that bored, grumbly feeling we all have, I think, at some time or other, is a jolly good walk over the hills and far away, if only for one day, but better still for a week or more; for a tramping holiday is surely the best holiday of all to help us forget dull care and the worries of everyday life.

Our little country, New Zealand, offers some wonderful places for our selection, but perhaps the best of them all is Milford Track (rightly known as “The World's Wonder Walk”), tucked away in Southland, miles and miles from all the noise and bustle of the towns, a pathway which will lead us through a fairyland of forest and fern, great snowfed rivers, mirrored lakes and lofty mountain peaks, until at last, after a glorious trek, Milford Sound lies before us in all its beauty.