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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 9, Issue 4 (July 2, 1934.)

Olive Oil

Olive Oil.

Olive oil has a wide field of usefulness. It may be used medicinally for both external and internal application.

Thin and sickly children improve in condition if given a teaspoon of olive oil daily. It may be given in orange juice.

For children's coughs and colds olive oil may be given both externally and internally. For external application rubbing the back and chest with warm olive oil will be found very efficacious.

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Dry and brittle hair is improved by frequent massage of the scalp with warm olive oil. Just before shampooing rub in an extra generous application.

To Warm Olive Oil. —Remove the cork from the oil bottle, and stand the latter in a saucepan of water; it may be brought to boiling point if necessary. To warm oil for rubbing or massage, pour a small quantity into a saucer and stand over a basin of hot water.

Home Notes. Invalid Beverages.

Barley Water. —Pearl barley, 4 tablespoons; cold water, 1 quart.

Method. —Wash the barley and scald with boiling water. Strain the water away, then add to the barley one quart of cold water. Simmer for two hours, Strain. Add sugar and lemon juice if liked. May be taken hot or cold.

Black Currant Tea. —Black currant jam, 1 tablespoon; boiling water, 1/2 pint.

Method. —Put the jam into a hot jug and pour boiling water over it. Cover for a few minutes. Strain into a hot tumbler and serve at once. A teaspoonful of lemon juice improves the flavour.

Lemonade. —Lemon, 1; sugar, 1 1/2ozs.; cold water, 1/2 pint.

Method. —Scrub the lemon and peel very thinly. Place the rind and juice a bowl. Add the water and sugar. Stand for several hours. Strain. Add cold water to make one quart. If it is to be served hot, heat slowly but do not boil. A pinch of bi-carbonate of soda may be added if an effervescing drink is desired.

Albumin Water. —Beat up white of an egg until frothy. Add 1 pint of cold water and beat. This drink will often arrest vomiting.

Albuminised Milk. —Boat up white of an egg with a cup of milk till it is frothy. A little salt may be added if desired.

Imperial Drink. —Boiling water, 1 pint; cream of tartar, 1 dessertspoon; sugar, 1 tablespoon; lemon, 1.

Method. —Scrub the lemon and slice into a jug. Add the cream of tartar, sugar and boiling water. Leave until cool, then strain. Allow about one tablespoon to a tumbler, add water (hot or cold). This is a refreshing drink for cases of feverishness, and has an excellent effect upon sluggish kidneys.

Sherry Whey. —One teacup of new milk, place over fire in an enamel saucepan; when milk reaches boiling point put in a large glass of sherry, and stir until it curdles; strain through muslin or gauze and the whey is ready for use. This is a nourishing drink for invalids when stimulants are required.

Savoury Butters.

Good fresh butter beaten to a cream is the foundation for savoury butters.

Watercress Butter. —Chop the leaves of watercress very finely. Add a teaspoonful to every ounce of creamed butter; season with pepper, salt and about twelve drops of lemon juice.

Pickle Butter. —To a tablespoon of creamed butter add a pinch of chillies or a few drops of onion juice, a small pickled gherkin chopped very finely, and a seasoning of salt and pepper.

Marmite Butter. —To a tablespoon of creamed butter add marmite to tasteAdd grated cheese if liked.

Fried Sandwiches. —Required: Left over sandwiches. These are delicious and most intriguing. Try them at your next bridge or supper party. Be sure to have plenty of them. The nicestones for the purpose are those made of anchovy paste or a cheese filling, but any left overs may be used. To fry: Dip the sandwich into beaten egg or batter, and fry in hot shallow fat. Be sure the fat is very hot or the sandwich will not be crisp. Drain, and serve piping hot.

Easily Made Sweets.

Fudge. —Two cups sugar, one tablespoon cocoa, half-cup milk, two ounces butter (no more), essence vanilla, chopped walnuts.

Method —Put sugar, cocoa, butter and milk in saucepan, gradually melting the sugar, but refrain from stirring until the mixture is at boiling point. Boil for about 10 to 12 minutes. Take off fire and add essence vanilla and walnuts to suit taste. Then beat until mixture thickens and turn out on to buttered dish. Be careful not to let mixture get sugary by beating too long. Cut into small squares when nearly cold.