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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 2 (May 1, 1935)

A Literary Page or Two

A Literary Page or Two

My readers will, if they are fortunate enough to be in a position to purchase the volume, readily understand my superlative enthusings over “Maori Music,” by Johannes C. Andersen, recently printed for the Polynesian Society by Thomas Avery and Sons, New Plymouth. From every aspect—literary style, historical value and artistic format, this is one of the most notable books ever published in New Zealand.

How fortunate this Dominion is in its historians! But, alas, how inadequately are they rewarded! The book under notice must have taken years in its compilation and no doubt many months of careful thought and artistic discernment in its production. The result is a volume of inestimable historical value and of permanent joy to the collector. The cover, the jacket, the end papers and the many faultlessly reproduced plates will be a “joy forever” to the connoisseur.

The author is modest in his preface. His book, he claims, “can be considered no more than an introduction to the study of Maori music.” With similar modesty Shakespeare might have described “Hamlet” as a curtain-raiser. It is impossible to do more than merely hint at the vast storehouse of knowledge gathered together by Mr. Andersen. The history dates from observations during Cook's first and second voyages, covers Tonga, Niue, Hawaii, etc., and New Zealand. Mr. Andersen is the appealing historian—he has made his book attractively interesting.

His selection of illustrations has brought together an imposing gallery of pictures. Such a book must necessarily be expensive, but the price, £2 2/-, will not daunt the true New Zealand bibliophile. I propose to refer to other aspects of the book in later issues.

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Before I leave this work I must refer to one of the discoveries made by the author. Truth will out and the blight cast on the romantic story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai is, if disturbing, not without its element of humour. Mr. Andersen has proved conclusively that Tutanekai could not play on the Koauau (flute) and that the music heard by Hinemoa was played by Tiki. Tutanekai gave his sister to his friend as a reward for his services.

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University journals are always interesting. These oftentimes brilliant young students, love to dip their pens in the purple ink of satire, the red ink of Communism or the green ink of agin-everythingism. It is interesting to note therefore that students of Victoria College recently decided to publish a weekly newspaper, “Smad.” The first issue gives promise of brighter things to come. As long as there is the necessary editorial restraint—that is, reasonable restraint—there is no reason why “Smad” should not grow and prosper.

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The latest (March) number of “Art in New Zealand” contains the result of another of the literary competitions of that quarterly—the short story. The judge, Mr. C. A. Marris, reviews the entries in a manner most helpful to the entrants. He has no hesitation in placing “Robin Hyde” an easy first. His selection confirms me in my opinion that “Robin Hyde” is one of the most brilliant short story writers this country has ever produced. A Wellington entrant, Cicely F. Ellis, is given second place, and Miss Una Craig, of Auckland, third place. Keeping to the literary side I must confess a particular admiration for the review section of the magazine. With one or two exceptions reviewing in New Zealand consists of a transcription of the blurb on the jackets of the books concerned. “Art in New Zealand” does the job as it should be done. Last issue we had Eileen Duggan as reviewer, this March issue “Prester John” takes his turn with almost equal success. On the pictorial side the March issue has two excellent colour blocks and several in black and white.

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Hector Bolitho's “Older People” is due here shortly. Mr. Bolitho refused to allow his book to be described as “reminiscences.” In writing to his publishers, he said, “I do not wish my book to be accepted as a shower of gossip about great names. I think that all young people draw confidence and help from some person who is older than themselves. I have been fortunate in being allowed many friendships and kindnesses from older
A Dickensian Bookplate from the library of the late Charles Wilson.

A Dickensian Bookplate from the library of the late Charles Wilson.

page 55 people.” His sketches and experiences give us pictures of Mussolini, King Feisal and the Amir Abdullah, Lord Davidson, Bernard Shaw, D. H. Lawrence, Maurice Baring, Lloyd George, the Marchese Marconi, Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, Sir Austen Chamberlain, Dean Inge, and Canon Dalton, who was tutor to H.M. the King.

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Some interesting purchases have been made recently by Newbolds, the big second-hand book dealers of Dunedin, from the library of the late Mr. W. H. Trimble, who presented the unique Whitman Collection to the local Public Library. The books bought include the following:—Galsworthy.—“A Commentary” (first issue) with long autographed letter. George Meredith.—“The Egoist,” with three page signed letter. The illustrated (colour) edition of “The Pavilion on the Links” with R. L. Stevenson's signature. The Galsworthy letter is dated 1909, and lays out in brief his whole philosophy and attitude to the writer's craft.

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