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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 12, Issue 1 (April 1, 1937)

Surveys of Forest Regions

Surveys of Forest Regions.

He wrote about the Arthur's Pass region, which was one of his earliest happy hunting grounds; the Waimakariri River region, the off-lying islands of the South, the Waipoua kauri forest, Kapiti Island bird and forest sanctuary, the Tongariro National Park, the dune areas of the Dominion, and other regional descriptions. Some of his work, such as the Tongariro National Park survey, was done in conjunction with his friend and fellow-lover of the forests and flowers, Mr. E. Phillips Turner, of the Scenery Conservation and State Forest Services.

A most useful handbook written by these two great men is “The Trees of New Zealand,” published when Mr. Turner was Director of Forestry. To this manual I often turn for enlightenment and for sheer pleasure of the study of our trees; its clearness and simplicity, combined with a masterly scientific presentation of the subject, gives it an educational value that should be more widely known. It enables New Zealanders and visitors to the country to identify trees and shrubs and to learn something of their characters and uses. The authors page 10 trusted also that it would attract school-teachers and senior pupils in the schools, “so that the latter,” as the authors explained, “may come to understand clearly what a priceless possession are these forests of theirs with the trees pure New-Zealanders, and that with such knowledge will arise a fixed determination that the areas of forest and other vegetation set aside as national parks, scenic reserves and sanctuaries shall never be desecrated, but remain far into the distant future living examples of primeval New Zealand.”