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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 12, Issue 9 (December 1, 1937.)



The day is clear and warm,
Long grass turns yellow in the sun,
And furry brown bees swarm
Amid the clover till the day is done,
While here a man lies full length on the ground
Where dusty butterflies flit round and round.
And see, around his head
Blue smoke is curling from his pipe,
He has a pleasant bed
For where he lies the grass is warm and ripe,
And yet he wanders from the book he reads
And sighs to see the lazy life he leads.
I envied him at first,
His leisure and the long, long days
With time to quench a thirst
For books, and quietude, and lazy ways,
But now I feel ashamed each time I pass,—
Two crutches lie half hidden in the grass.

—Ruth M. Mumford.

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