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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 9 (December 1, 1939)

Kitchen. — Salad Days

Salad Days

Beetroot Salad.

Put a chopped cooked beetroot in a basin, mixing it with a handful of grated horseradish. Cover it wtih boiling vinegar and eat it after twelve hours.

Beetroot Salad with Cream.

Cook and slice the beetroot and mix with the slices some very finely-minced onion. Make the following dressing and pour it over. Mix well together made mustard, salt, pepper and a few drops of lemon juice. Now add, gradually stirring all the time, as much cream as is necessary to obtain the desired flavour. The palate also dictates the amount of mustard required.

Lettuce and Green Peas.

Use lettuce leaves as cups and fill with green peas cooked or raw. Sprinkle with finely chopped mint and dress with cream dressing.

Apple and Carrot.

Grate the carrot and chop the apple. Sprinkle with grated nuts.

Apple, Celery and Nut.

Chop apple and celery finely and bind with cream salad dressing. Sprinkle generously with chopped nuts. Serve on lettuce leaf.

Norwegian Salad.

Mix together some cooked beetroot and pineapple—each cut in cubes—and dress with a cream dressing, to which a few drops of tomato ketchup and anchovy essence have been added. Serve on lettuce leaves.

Salade Germaine.

Garnish the heart of a small lettuce with cold green peas. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and spring onions or chives, and finally with a small pinch of chopped nuts. Serve with cream dressing.

Salade Augustin.

This is composed of lettuce, quartered tomatoes, and quartered hard-boiled eggs, and dressed with an ordinary mayonnaise sauce, in which Worcester sauce has been used instead of vinegar.

Salade Mimosa.

Garnish hearts of small lettuces with quarters of oranges and finely-chopped bananas. Dress with cream acidulated with a little lemon juice.

Peeled and stoned grapes may be added to improve the flavour.

Lettuce and Onion Salad.

Shred lettuce and chop onion finely. Mix well together and sprinkle with grated cheese.


Apple and Ginger.—Slice or chop nice eating apples, cut up some ginger and spread between slices of white bread and butter.

Fig and Apple.—Put some dried figs and a large apple through a mincer. Add a little sugar and spread between slices of white bread and butter.

With Cream Cheese.—Chop some ginger and shelled walnuts roughly and mix them to a paste with cream cheese and a little thick cream. Add a pinch of pepper and salt and spread on either brown or white bread.

Weights and Measures.

10 eggs weigh roughly 1 lb.; 3 tea-spoonfuls equal one tablespoonful; 4 tablespoonfuls equal one wineglassful, or half a gill; 2 gills equal one tumbler; 2 tumblers equal one pint; 2 pints (4 tumblersful) of flour equal 1 lb.

4 gills equal 1 pint; 2 pints equal 1 quart; 4 quarts equal 1 gallon.

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