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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 9 (December 1, 1939)

A Fine Track Performance

A Fine Track Performance.

The outbreak of war has interfered with the plans of A. H. Gilmore, young Auckland cash athlete, who amazed Australians (and New Zealanders) by covering one mile in 4 min. 8 sec. off 40 yards last Easter. Gilmore was to have attempted the professional record of 4 min. 12 3/4 sec., made by W. G. George in 1886, but he has exchanged his track uniform for a uniform of khaki and the plans of the Australian club that proposed staging the record attempt have been postponed until the war clouds disperse. It is unfortunate that Gilmore could not secure competition in New Zealand, but his decision to compete for cash prizes put him outside the amateur code and cash athletics is not strong in the Dominion. He has the ability to break a record that has stood for 53 years.