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Nga Ture O Niu Tireni: I Pahitia I Roto I Te Tau Wha Te Kau Ma Rima O Te Kuinitanga O Kuini Wikitoria, Me Te Nohoanga Tuatorutanga O Te Paremete Tuawhitu O Niu Tireni, I noho ki Poneke i timate i te rua te kau ma waru o nga ra o Mei, 1881.

Powers And Duties of Inspectors

Powers And Duties of Inspectors.

14. Inspectors may take all necessary steps, &c., for destruction of rabbits.
15. Inspectors to have free entry on Crown and Native lands, and to destroy rabbits thereon. Payment of cost thereof.
16. Landowners required to destroy rabbits.
17. Penalty for neglecting to destroy rabbits.
18. Inspector may cause rabbits to be destroyed at cost of landowner neglecting to do so.
19. Entry upon lands to ascertain existence of rabbits.
20. Authorized persons not to be deemed trespassers.
21. Penalty for obstructing Inspectors, &c.