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Nga Ture O Niu Tireni: I Pahitia I Roto I Te Tau Wha Te Kau Ma Rima O Te Kuinitanga O Kuini Wikitoria, Me Te Nohoanga Tuatorutanga O Te Paremete Tuawhitu O Niu Tireni, I noho ki Poneke i timate i te rua te kau ma waru o nga ra o Mei, 1881.

Third Schedule

Third Schedule.

All that piece or parcel of land situate on Kolacs Bay, in the District of Southland, containing by admeasurement 1,328 acres, more or less, and known as the Oraka Native Reserve, on the plan of the said district. Bounded towards the North, 7200 links, by a road; towards the East and South by high-water mark of Foveaux Strait; and towards the West, 9251 links, by Crown land.