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The Atoll of Funafuti, Ellice group : its zoology, botany, ethnology and general structure based on collections made by Charles Hedley of the Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W.

Explanation of Plate XXIII

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Explanation of Plate XXIII.

Thuiaria divergens, sp. nov.
Fig. 1Portion of main stem, with proximal half of a pinna, magnified.
Fig. 2Distal half of pinna, magnified.
Fig. 3Portion of pinna with gonangium, highly magnified.
Plumularia clavicula, sp. nov.
Fig. 4Portion of hydrocladium, magnified; front view.
Fig. 5Portion of hydrocladium, magnified; lateral view.
Fig. 6Distal portion of a corbula, showing the origin of the costa from the mesial sarcotheca.

Reproduced from drawings made by Thomas Whitelegge., Junr.

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Thomas "Whitelegge, Junr. del.

Thomas "Whitelegge, Junr. del.