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The Story Of Gate Pa, April 29th, 1864

No. 11

No. 11

Memorandum by Ministers to His Excellency the Governor:—

His Excellency having requested Ministers to advise him whether any reduction should be made in the Tauranga force for the purpose of carrying out the wishes of General Cameron, to have a reinforcement towards the front, Ministers are of opinion that His Excellency, having already ordered such reinforcements to be provided from the Auckland Militia, and other sourees, it is not now necessary to recall any part of the Tauranga force, more particularly after the receipt of the news per ‘Corio’ this day from Tauranga.

His Excellency having also requested Mnisters to advise whether any Proclamation should be issued assuring friendly natives at Tauranga that they and their crops will not be interfered with, beg to enclose a notice to that effect, which, if His Excellency approves, shall be immediately translated for transmission.



3rd February, 1864.