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The New Zealand Evangelist



This settlement, from the latest accounts, appears to be quiet and prosperous; and, according to our ideas of things, the people are using the best means to remain so permanently. We are informed that subscriptions are being raised for the erection of a place of worship, and the inhabitants are contributing liberally, Our old friend Captain Taylor, of the Governor Grey, and his partner, Mr. Watt, are the Treasurers of the fund. The chapel is now in course of erection, and will soon be opened for the preaching of the everlasting Gospel of Salvation. May the very praiseworthy intentions of the projectors meet with their reward! May the great end of the building be answered!

“And in the great decisive day
“When God the nations shall survey,
“May it before the world appear
“That crowds were born to glory there!”

It is understood that arrangements are in progress for the residence of a Wesleyan Minister in that neighbourhood. And the sooner the better, say we; because, in addition to the benefit that those of his persuasion in the Town of Petre would derive from his services, there are several congregations of Natives both on the river, and north and south of it, that greatly need the religious instructions and pastoral oversight of a Minister.