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Nelson Historical Society Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, September 1978



The Rotokura midden represents an exloitation pattern which involved wide spectrum hunting and fishing in the Cable Bay area. A trend towards a year round activity at the site has been documented (Butts, n.d.). The early period lacks conclusive evidence for winter activity, while the later period has more substantial evidence that winter activity was undertaken. Fishing, fowling, sealing and the consumption of Polynesian dog all formed essential (if proportionally changing) elements in the subsistence economics of the Rotokura inhabitants. The variety of species present in the midden at Rotokura suggests a far more varied diet than New Zealanders eat today. It is also worth noting that as a consequence of forest destruction, seal over-kill, and the suspected damaging effect of commercial fishing on fish supplies, it would be impossible to live the same life style within the same area at the present time.