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Home and Building, Volume 18 Number 1 (June 1955)

Low Pressure Hot Water Systems:

page 61

Low Pressure Hot Water Systems:

The low pressure system wtih cast iron radiators is the most commonly used central heating system for both domestic and commercial applications. The radiators are usually placed under the windows and the distribution piping system is concealed under the floor or in the ceilings and each radiator is fitted with a valve so that its heat input can be adjusted or so that it can be turned off.

Another system which is popular is the use of convectors and with these, a battery of tubes with closely spaced fins is used as the heating medium and this is controlled with valves as for the radiator. The unit is neatly covered in a sheet metal casing which can be built into the wall or stand slightly clear of the wall end the air from the room circulates through a slot at the bottom over the heater and out through the top grilles to warm the room. This is heating by convection as against heating by radiation as with cast iron radiators.

A revised form of" this convector heating is the skirting board heating which

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is being installed in N.Z. In this case, the convector is a much shorter unit which tits at skirting board level.

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