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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1880.

No. 196 of 1880.—Petition of H. K. Taiaroa

No. 196 of 1880.—Petition of H. K. Taiaroa.

Petitioner refers to the appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire as to whether the condition of the purchase of Native lands in the Middle Island had been complied with. He prays that a further sum of money should be voted by Parliament for the purpose of continuing the inquiry.

I am directed to report as follows:—

That it seems that two Commissioners were appointed in February, 1879, and that since that time they have sent bills to the Government for payment to the amount of £1,715 9s. That, though repeatedly asked for information as to the progress of the inquiry, and the probable date of a report, they have never given any answer to the Native Office, beyond what was afforded by the bills sent for payment. That they have given no hint as to the probable time when they can report; but one of them has given a verbal intimation that a further sum of at the least £800 would be required to complete the inquiry. The Committee has no desire to interfere with the policy which led to the appointment of a Commission; but it is clearly of opinion that, before going to further expense, the Government should receive such interim report from the present Commissioners as would show clearly what has hitherto been done, and what is likely to be the course of their further proceedings.

28th July, 1880.