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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1882.

No. 469 of 1882.—Petition of Ratana Ngahina and Another

No. 469 of 1882.—Petition of Ratana Ngahina and Another.

Petitioners state that, owing to the Judge of the Native Land Court, which sat at Bulls in June, 1880, having ordered counsel out of Court, they had to withdraw their case, and that in consequence they had been put to a useless expenditure of £500. They pray that they may be reimbursed for this outlay.

I am directed to report as follows:—

That this case was heard by Judge Heaphy (now dead). There is nothing in the records of the Court to show the motive of the presiding Judge for clearing the Court, but from other information it appears that there was great disorder. The petitoners have no claim.

5th September, 1882.