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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1894.

Nos. 543, 497, 557, 509.—Petitions of Arona te Hana and 1,111 Others, Te Ohuka Topia and 3,490 Others, Erueti Tamaikoha and 148 Others, and Niheta te Pouaka and 268 Others

Nos. 543, 497, 557, 509.—Petitions of Arona te Hana and 1,111 Others, Te Ohuka Topia and 3,490 Others, Erueti Tamaikoha and 148 Others, and Niheta te Pouaka and 268 Others.

Petitioners pray that the Native Lands Administration Bill may be allowed to pass into law.

I am directed to report that, as these petitions refer to matters of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make.

3rd October, 1894.