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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1894.

No. 642.—Petition of Te Hata Moutara and 30 Others

No. 642.—Petition of Te Hata Moutara and 30 Others.

Petitioners pray that no survey of the Raukokore Block be permitted unless applied for by themselves, as they allege they are the proper owners of the land.

I am directed to report that the petitioners pray that the survey of the Raukokore Block be discontinued, on the ground that those upon whose application authority was given for the survey are not owners. According to a memorandum from the Surveyor-General it appears that the said applicants are only remotely interested in the land, therefore the surveyor has been officially told to discontinue the survey until further instructed. This being so, the Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to the petition.

5th October, 1894.