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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 1, No. 12 June 22, 1938

J. B. Bullock

J. B. Bullock.

(a)It gives one an interest in Varsity affairs to have a finger on everything that's going on round the place.
(b)According to present indications, yes. The only way the Fascist countries can maintain internal security is by making war.
(c)There should be some check; with these louts from Training College and children from the sixth form you've got to have some control over their newly-found liberty. Older chaps don't need such a curb of course but you can't differentiate them.
(d)There's too much outside stuff.
(e)The Building Fund. The athletic side of 'Varsity life should be stressed more.