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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 6, No. 12 September 23, 1943


An agricultural college, we thought, possibly a cowshed or two, lectures in the barn, perhaps. Or that may be a bit sweeping—we'll allow them an old farmhouse to hold the debates in and a piece of drained swamp land for the football. Two or three lecturers—about 50 students—laboratories, if any, in the hayloft.

Thus we all thought in the Palmerston train and thus I fear have many, if not most, students in the four main colleges felt.

There were perhaps excusing circumstances; the Joynt Scroll team had the dry horrors and I myself viewed their last minute preparations with something akin to dismay. Our opinion of any college would have suffered at that time. But the point of all this is that we were wrong—our opinions have changed completely and this is written in order that your ideas, if they were as far out as ours, may change too. But let the story tell itself.