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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 7, No. 6. July 12, 1944

Constitution Changes

Constitution Changes

Several preliminary motions were first required to cancel the unnecessary readings of various lengthy documents. The air having been cleared, three opening motions were put in turn to the meeting, each one being passed with little or no opposition. As a result, in future the social committee will be appointed at the beginning of each academic year, not current year as previously; the building committee now has the power to invest money and to enter into contracts with people; and the constitution has been reshuffled so as to allow the award of Blues to association football players.

Mr. Creed then vacated the chair to move: "That no person shall be eligible to represent any of the following clubs in any V.U.C. contest match if such a person plays for a club outside the College for any sport for which facilities exist within, and the College club requires his services—football, soccer, hockey, cricket and harriers." A second motion was then moved that the same conditions should apply to the award of Blues, and it was decided to discuss both together.