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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 8, No. 12. September 19, 1945

Returned Men Lay Plans for College Branch of RSA

Returned Men Lay Plans for College Branch of RSA

About thirty of the hundred or so returned soldiers at the College met about a week ago to consider the possibility of forming a branch of the RSA at Victoria. The meeting was convened by Harold Dowrick, Gordon Stuckey and Nigel Taylor, who presented the case for the formation of a group to forward the interests of returned men as affecting their activities as students, both in the College and in the RSA.

The members present obviously did not look forward to any great activity this year but wished to have the ground work done for next year when there will be a large number of returned men back. It was stressed by all speakers that it was not the desire or intention of returned men to push their interests at the expense of the rest of the student body, but rather to encourage members to take that active part in College affairs for which their experience and maturity renders them specially capable.

A committee was appointed consisting of Harold Dowrick. secretary, and Frank Parkin, Ken Scott, Gordon Stuckey and Nigel Taylor. Its first duty will be to contact and interest all returned men at present at Victoria. Even if there are returned men who feel that they themselves may not need a great deal of assistance in readjustment, they will by becoming active members of such an organisation assist those of their fellows who do need it—and there are not a few of these. The committee looks forward, therefore, to active participation and co-operation from all returned students.