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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 9, No. 4 April 17, 1946

[Letter from Marie Marshall to Salient Vol. 9, No. 4 April 17, 1946]

Dear Sir,—I should like space to congratulate "Salient" on publishing a full account of the regrettable puerility that resulted in the dissolution of the Executive at such an inconvenient time. The publication of Mr. Poole's and Mr. Cohen's statements together with a concise report should help to combat the mushroom growth of malicious rumours that are being circulated through the College.

While a certain amount of emotional appreciation could be worked up for George Washington sob-stuff, I feel sure that any appreciation must stop there. If we grant that the movers of the motion are competent to represent the students on the Executive then it must follow that there is a far wider issue-at stake, because no intelligent person, intent on pursuing the interests of the student body, would deliberately break up the Executive immediately prior to student activities at Christchurch for Tournament and in Wellington for Building Fund Appeals. This fracas has resulted not only in a split in the student body but also in a decided loss of prestige with the Wellington public.

It is hardly likely that the public will reward apparent irresponsible imbecility with a large donation to build a Students' Union.

A motion of censure was in order but a vote of no-confidence and a threat of resignation, should the motion be defeated, is indicative of either irresponsible selfish stupidity or of questionable intent undefined. I feel sure that the Students' Association must censure such an outstanding lack of appreciation of the effect of such an action on the Association.

To adopt Mr. Poole's philosophy—Dave confessed his "sin," but who is Mr. Poole to deny him absolution?

Marie Mashall.—