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An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 9, No. 6. June 12, 1946

Women's Committee

Women's Committee

Max Eichelbaum

Max is finishing her B.A. this year and has been at Victoria since 1942, with the exception of a year (1945) at Otago, when she did Medical Intermediate. She was Assistant Secretary on the 1943 Executive and a Committee member in 1944. She is a past or present member of the Hockey, Orchestra and Tramping Clubs, was on the Social Committee in 1943 and 1944, and assisted with the organisation of Undergrads' Supper this year.

Max wants the Executive to bring the student viewpoint before the public still more and has gained some useful Ideas from Otago as to what could be done in some ways in social activities, and particularly in connection with Faculty Committees.

Mary Land

Miss Land, a science graduate, is doing Honours this year and has been at Victoria since 1941. She was on the Social Committee in 1942. 1943 and 1944, and was Secretary of the Biological Society in 1943. She is a member of the Tramping, Tennis and Table Tennis Clubs and was Undergrads' Supper Controller this year.

Eager to see improved cafeteria facilities she advocates the extension of the kitchen into the Women's Cloak Room, She recommends that this latter sanctum be renovated along the lines of the one in the Biology Block. Better lighting on the top floor of the gymnasium and improved sporting facilities therein are matters she considers are long overdue.

Jean Priest

Jean, an arts student, is a member of the retiring Executive. She is VUC's Corresponding Member on the NZUSA Exec., Secretary of IRC during both 1945 and 1946, and on the committees of the Debating Society, Tramping Club, and Miniature Rifle Club for 1945 and 1946 In each case. A hockey enthusiast, she played for last year's Senior B team and is the Sports Editor for "Salient." Jean has taken part in Extravs. in 1944, 1945 and 1946, and is interested in drama and other cultural clubs, and was Capping Ball Controller this year.

Jean is also interested in the renovation of the Constitution and in any progressive step to rouse students to a realisation of their rights and duties to the Association and its clubs.


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Rosemary was at VUC 1943-44 and at AUC 1945. She was on the Social Committee here in 1943, 1944 and 1946. She plays hockey and tennis at Victoria, was a member of Glee Club and Music Club Committees in 1944 and a Swimming Rep. for AUC.

Rosemary would like to see closer links between the College and the public.


Remember that all voting is Preferential, and be careful even with the last two or three numbers you have to fill in.

L. Webley

Miss Webley is a third-year science student. A member of the Tennis Committee for two years, and Basketball Committee, 1944, she has represented VUC in these sports. She has played hockey for the past and current seasons and belongs to the Gym. Club. She was a member of the Vacation Social Committee.

Loris would like to see better kitchen facilities in the cafeteria and a complete overhaul of the Gym. kitchen equipment.

C. Spencer

Miss Spencer, in her third year, is hoping to complete B.Sc. this year. She is Treasurer of the Hockey Club. assisted in Extrav. in 1945 and 1946 and is on the 1946 Winter Tournament Committee.

Christine is interested in all student activities, and would like to see students taking a more active part in college affairs.