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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 9, No. 8 July, 3, 1946

VUC v Massey

VUC v Massey

This game was played on Crawford Green, which was not in a very good condition: Victoria attacking right from the start had Massey on their defence, the Wellington forwards fighting hard to score. The centre-half Julie Flett was playing excellent hockey, reeding her forwards well and the first goal was the result or her good play. Half-time score was twonil in Victoria's favour. The second half saw Massey attacking but Suzanne Bott, left full back, was playing well and the defence held. Aided by enthusiastic support from the side-line Massey now had the better of the game and scored two beautiful goals which gave the goalie no chance. With the score 2-all Victoria rallied and with the forwards playing very well two more goals were scored. Even play followed with the ball travelling up and down the field. Final score:—