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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 3. April 2, 1947

NZUSA — Reports and Remits


Reports and Remits

To most of us, NZUSA is merely an idea; most of us have no notion of its part in a number of the activities which concern us all to a greater or lesser extent. The Annual Report is now to hand and it reveals a number of matters which are of general interest.

NZUSA authorised two delegates to the 1946 Congress of the International Union of Students. Their reports have only recently become available, but a copy is available for perusal at the Executive Room.

Rostrum was financially unsuccessful last year, as it arrived too late in the year to be distributed to most students.

NZUSA Executive advises that if recommendations for NZU Blues are sent in in good time, the present time lag of eighteen months will be avoided.

The matter of examination fees has not been forgotten, and there is some possibility that there will be some relief in the future.

The President, Mrs. Scott, paid a visit to the NUAUS Council Meeting in Hobart during January, and it is expected that the contacts made there will be of great value to the Association.

The Annual General Meeting is to be held in Auckland in conjunction with Easter Tournament. Victoria will be represented by Mr. Nigel Taylor, Mr. Harold Dowrick and Mr. Alec McLeod. VUC will bring forward several remits at this meeting.

One is directed towards holding NZUSA General Meetings twice a year, one at Easter and one in August, and another establishes the authority of NZUSA over both Tournament Committees and the Councils controlling other inter University sports. Other remits cover such matters as prompt publication of examination results. Heritage, Student Health Schemes, and Freedom of Speech. There is also a remit Which will urge on the Government the necessity of making full-time bursaries available automatically to all ex-overseas servicemen, and to home servicemen with more than two years service; of increasing textbook grants to the actual expenses involved in buying books; and of making the weekly grant equal to the basic wage.

VUC will also recommend that the publication of Rostrum should be discontinued and that NZUSA publish a free newspaper two or three times a year.

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