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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 11. July 30, 1947

Two Comedies and a Tragedy Provoke Laughter

Two Comedies and a Tragedy Provoke Laughter

On Thursday, July 17, the Drama Club had its usual tussle with the stage curtains in the Gym when it presented its One-Act Play Evening.

If the curtain hadn't decided to make full use of its nuisance and entertainment value; if the Swords Club could have violently thrown their cutlery into the corner at some other time; if one half of the cast had learnt their lines and, how to speak out, the last play, "X = O" might not have been an unqualified flop. Frances Mulrennan's production lacked nothing in set and lighting, but the audience was hardly in the mood to accept this Drinkwater drama after the two comedies which preceded it.

The first of these, "How He Lied to Her Husband," by GBS, suffered from a lack of variation in tempo. The play was fast-moving, but Margot McKenzie's voice was pitched a little too high and Pix Hurrell did not look happy in his part. Dave Hempleman was adequate but occasionally unconvincing. The producer, Pat Girling-Butcher, is to be congratulated on an enthusiastic and on the whole successful comedy.

The highlight of the evening was "The Dear Departed," by Stanley Houghton, capably produced by Prue Keiha and Tui Milligan. Manika Wodslcka's capable performance kept the action going. Betty James, with a very small speaking part, maintained a perfect stage characterisation. Basil Marris was convincingly henpecked and conscience-stricken, while Elizabeth Entrican and John Thomson, as the bitchy relations, were able to sustain their parts. The climax, in its proper place for a change, introduced Colin Peffers as a very competent drinkin' irascible grandfather. It is a pity that this play was not the final one of the evening, as it was certainly the best.