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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 13. September 24, 1947

Rowing Offers You Good Clean Fun and Luscious Delight

Rowing Offers You Good Clean Fun and Luscious Delight

Headquarters.—The Star Boating Club, Jervois Quay (52-313).

We are the keenest of all clubs and our last, season was among the best we have enjoyed. Just think of those long, cool summer evenings when you are driving through the spiritful waters of beloved Port Nicholson in our new eight—yes, a brand-new eight which will arrive in January!

Rowing is a magnificent sport and one of the finest ways of keeping healthy. On the social side there is no need to emphasise the luscious delights of our dances and picnics. We engage in all regattas and all members have full privileges of the Club and are eligible to row in inter-College events at Easter Tournament.

You are assured of a salty season, hard serious training under the best coaches the rowing world has to offer, clean sport, irresistible fun, and companionship.

On Saturday, October 4, at 2 p.m., we hope that His Excellency, a former oarsman, will open the season. New members and old salts, don't hesitate to join a full welcome. The Redding Shield Regatta will be rowed and there will be social entertainment. This is one of the notable occasions when the Rowing Club is en fete, so please come with your girl friends to meet the Secretary on the skids.

Principal Events.—NZ Championships, Inter-Provincial Eights, Inter-Club Regattas and Eights, Inter-Varsity Eights and Fours (Easter Tournament), Wanganui, Picton and Wellington Regattas.

Training.—Every evening from 5 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays.

Officers.—Club Captain, S. H. Gillen (B. 43/060); Deputy Club Captain, K. G. Honore (B. 46-600, H. 50-362); Secretary-Treasurer, G. A. H. Ward (B. 45-193, H. 41-981).

Committee: V. E. Donnelly (B. 46-078), G. Marryatt, M. Pownall (H. 53-029). D. H. Thomas (B. 28-012, H. 26-049).

Opening Day.—Saturday, October 4, 1947, at 2 p.m.

Don't wait till later. Come to the sheds right now!

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