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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 11, No. 5. April 28th, 1948

From the Floor

From the Floor

The discussion that followed was interesting and amusing.

Mr. W. McLeod translated fluently some passages from Swedish papers.

Mr. Curtin quoted Mr. Marshall and M. Molotov (just to liven up proceedings). However, he wasn't sure of the difference between the Communist Camp, the Democratic Camp ("and Mein Kampf"—audience).

Mr. J. Milburn presumably speaking for the negative, gave a fluent speech on war hysteria.

Mr. Barclay was a little mixed; for though he changed sides, he avowed he hadn't changed his mind.

Mr. Toomey wasn't sure what he was talking about—at least so he told the audience. However he did seem muddled over whether the plan was a loan or grant, grant or loan, vice versa or so on.

Mr. Dowrick who, after being interrupted by Mr. Curtin inquiring how long he was in Russia—exploded violently with—"I was a damn sight longer in the Middle East than you, you little nincompoop!" He later explained, "Little things try me."

Mr. Dowling spoke on the Italian elections and atheism. (We couldn't see the connection.)

Other speakers for the affirmative were: Miss Casey, Messrs A. McLeod, R. Smith, C. Pottinger, Melling, and Williams. For the negative, Messrs. McIntyre, Cook, K. O'Connor. B. O'Connor, Toomey, Moore.

The Judge, Miss ford, placed the speakers as follows: 1st equal, B. O'Connor and Milburn; 3rd C. Pottinger; 4th, B. Lyons.

Next subject: That private schools should be abolished.