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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 1, February 23rd, 1949.

Protect Freedoms, Eight Conscription

Protect Freedoms, Eight Conscription

about civil liberties, about the Government's wage policy, about the sacking of Mr. Cecil Holmes, about the possible introduction of conscription. He was disturbed by so many questions. What could we do? As for conscription, if a war came, we would become an American dependency, and have to do what we were told. A man who believes in gradual transition to Socialism would apparently accept gradual transition to the complete subjugation of New Zealand by the capitalist-mad United States!

Indignant students gave their reply. With only five dissentients, "This Congress expresses itself as categorically opposed to the introduction of peacetime conscription. It urges N.Z.U.S.A. to adopt this as policy, and to campaign energetically against any such action by the Government, and proposes that the money which would be voted for a conscript force be devoted to education."

Then, with only seven dissentients. Congress expressed opposition to all attacks on civil liberties and intellectual freedom, and to pollen interference with political, religious and industrial liberties: and support for complete freedom of the air on all controversial issues. And, with the same dissentient vote, the Senate's recent claim to wide powers for disciplining students was condemned, in the face of protestations of innocent intent by an embarrassed Chancellor.