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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 1, February 23rd, 1949.

Law Held Unreasonable

Law Held Unreasonable

Mr. Thompson, after pointing out that it had been admitted by the police that the procession was an orderly one, held that the by-law was unreasonable as well as repugnant to the laws of New Zealand and was invalid. His dismissed the information.

To sum up: When pressmen, politicians and pulpiteers were silent the students spoke out against monstrous injustice. People learnt that in New Zealand, too, there were those who felt as Walt Whitman said, unforgettably:
  • "Whoever degrades another degrades me
  • Whatever is done or said returns at last to me."
  • Finally. Victoria challenged a shameful law and broke it. Chalk one up!