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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 4. May 4th 1949


The Easter Conference of NZUSA held during Anzac Weekend must have approached an all-time low in its negative and destructive policy on certain student issues. Main target for attack, after the disaffiliation from the International Union of Students on the first day, was the Student Congress, the first of which was held at Curious Cove last January.

A knotty problem that arose was that of Congress finance. Subsidies to last year's Congress came as follows: AUC, VUC and OU £50 each, and public support. £150. Canterbury had contributed nothing, neither had the Agricultural Colleges. The Canterbury delegates then introduced a remit: "That the cost of Congress be reduced." They stated that they were against College associations making subsidies to Congress, and suggested that in future no subsidies should be paid. It should be paid by the students attending. Mr. Taylor (President) pointed out that as the chance of further public support had been seriously prejudiced by Rev. Martin Sullivan's irresponsible statements to the Press concerning the Congress, the need for subsidies from the College associations was even greater this year. If Canterbury's proposal was adopted, the cost to students attending would be something like £8 or £9 each, and "we might as well give up the idea of Congress now."

Mr. Robinson (AUC) said that each year, Students' Associations paid large subsidies to tournaments, so that students could come together and play sport. Auckland's attitude was that it was just as important for students to come together and think, and therefore these subsidies relatively small as they were, were entirely justified.