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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 4. May 4th 1949

Bursaries Fall Behind

Bursaries Fall Behind

Over this period some bursaries have increased, e.g., the National Boarding Bursaries, but the total value of bursaries has not risen by anything like the extent of 110 per cent. In any case, the bursaries available in 1939 were quite inadequate. They have become even more inadequate at the new level of pries existing today.

In 1939. too, the bursaries available were most complicated and confusing. This has been made even worse since then by the changes involved in adopting the accrediting system of University Entrance and by the provision of a few bursaries to exclusive groups such as the Bursaries granted by the Department or Scientic and Industrial Research.

Thus today we find two major faults in the Bursary system in New Zealand.

1.They are quite inadequate in number and value.
2.There is no integrated, planned system but a confused hodgepodge of bursaries has arisen.