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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 4. May 4th 1949

Proof II—Argument from Final Causality

Proof II—Argument from Final Causality

It is obvious in everything without intelligence that there is what architects and industrial designers called the ordering of structure to function. All the planning is the adaptation of a means to an end, the end in unintelligent things being hearing or seeing or being green coloured.

Only an intelligence can use means to gain an end, for the end must be known in the first place and the relationship of the means to the end clearly seen. This order we find in things requires a final ultimate cause or the problem is recreated. This final uncreated, uncaused and unplanned Cause is God.

For a fuller setting-out of these proofs see a book in the College Library called simply "God" (BT101: L. 364; G.—p. 37 onwards.)

And that is case for the prosecution and for the defence. Must I bait you too or will the Junior Atheist be content with—

Yours sincerely,
