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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 4. May 4th 1949



The Athletics Meeting which was held during East Tournament received acclamation in the unity press. This was due to the outstanding quality of the competitors, most of whom madn a good showing in spite of the bad weather conditions.

The number of NZU records that were broken indicates that we will have a strong team to send to Australia to compete against the Australian tearms. This team, which includes Clem Hawke, the only VUC member has been acclaimed as one of the strongest teams ever to have left New Zealand. It is probable that some of the members of this team will represent New Zealand in the Empire Games next year. Congratulations to those people who made the team. We hope that in Australia you will keep up the standard that was shown during Tournament, and have bags of fun in true Tournament style.

Club Secretaries, send Sports Now to Salient.