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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 4. May 4th 1949

Men's Basketball

Men's Basketball

Varsity had their just reward last Tuesday night at the Sports Centre when the boys in olive-green decisively beat Marist 25-13 in the first competition game of the season. After being narrowly defeated in two previous grading games. Varsity are now in "A" Grade for the second year, so with some vocal support each Tuesday night, they should maintain their position.

Veteran guards Anderson and Piper have now Bruce White to help them, while forwards Tarrant and Moral have been doing some really classy shooting. Varsity's tight defence has been their real asset, and with coach (N.Z. Rep.) Geoff Milne to help them, some bright Basketball will be seen.