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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 6, June 24th, 1949.

. . . Knock

. . . Knock


It was with regret that I read your report of the selection of the New Zealand speakers to meet the Australian Debating team. The report purported to be nothing more than a bare presentation of facts and the obvious implication it contained was both unwarranted and unjustifiable. Whatever standards of reporting "Salient" may at times sink to, surely it need not go so low as to insinuate a personal insult into a merely factual statement. If "Salient" felt that that there were grounds for criticising the selection it should have stated them so that an answer could be given by the people concerned.

The poor taste and poor reporting evidenced in this statement will not, I hope, be repeated.

Yours faithfully,

Alison J. Pearce.

Vice-President of the Debating Society.