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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 10. September 20th, 1949


Building bulwarks against bolshevism has proved an expensive business. Remember the Reparations remissions, the American-German loans, the British-Nazi Naval Treaty, and the Munich Sellout? Yes? Well those, if you remember, were links in the chain of building up a "strong" Germany to hold the red Russians in check. Strong in what? Its fruits will be painfully fresh in our memories—war against reason and free thought, war against minorities, war against workers and intellectuals, and World War.

But we have not learned our lesson. Again, we are building up bulwarksagainst the same bolsheviks, the bolsheviks who, we tend to forget, fought in the Don Basin, and around Leningrad and Stalingrad.

At the Paris Peace Congress in April, Ilya Ehrenburg, the Bolshevik writer, asked "Who waxed so indignant at the intervention of 'the Reds' in Greek affairs, and is himself now lord and master in Athens?" For in Greece, in an effort to contain the contagion of a socialism growingly attractive to peoples for so long the pawns in a game of oil and power, first the British Foreign Office, and now the U.S. State Department, have built a new fascism.