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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 13, No. 3. March 16th, 1950

Easter starters Athletes announce

Easter starters Athletes announce

100yds, 440: D. R. Batten, 1,1,1,3 (track wet Empire Games).

Three Mile Walk: D. L. Kelly. 2,3 (had every chance National Championship).

Discus: I. Lisstenko, 0,3,0,2,3 (excels at night meetings).

440yds Hardies: J. McLevie, 0,0,1 (an improver).

Filly Form

High Jump: Helen Burr, 1,3 (she takes hurdles like a Trojan).

100 and 220yds:Barbara Hill (elasticity itself in heavy going).


I. Brewer and L. J. Riceborough (odds incredibles—hopes fantastic).