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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 13, No. 8. April 27th, 1950


"Midnight on Tuesday last week saw the career of Kevin O'Brien, president of the Association since the Mad Ides of March in 1948, grind to an unexpected halt. Over those years and the years before, he had been a leading personality in many VUC fields: he had risen through Debating and other committee positions to the Executive; from secretary to President; he had been a rep and an Executive member on NZUSA: he was in and around the Building Appeal: he was appointed last year as student representative on the College Council.

On Thursday night last week, the gauntlet of his resignation was flung on the Executive table ... it was picked up.

When the "Red Dean" (the Very Rev. Dr. Hewlett Johnson) sallied forth from his Canterbury Deanery to take up the cudgels in the cause of world peace, little did he dream that the ripples would hit VUC as waves large enough to cause a Presidential resignation.